ListingPro Code Snippets

ListingPro Code Snippets

Please use all codes with care and always within your child theme unless stated.
Pro Tech North is not responsible if any of the following codes causes issues with your site.
If your not familiar with editing site code such as PHP & CSS contact us for assists with making changes to your site.

ListingPro Trusted Partner, Development, Support and Hosting
ListingPro Trusted Partner, Development, Support and Hosting

Redirect After Login (Sign in Popup)

Add the following code to your child theme functions.php file.

Change line 5 to match your User Dashboard URL.

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Redirect After Logout

Add the following code to your child themes functions.php file

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Alternative code to redirect to any page other than the front page.

Change line 4 to your desired page, there is no need for the site domain.

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Login Popup

Add the following code to your child theme functions.php file

The code will allow you to use a shortcode to display the login button anywhere you like. In this example the shortcode is [login-button]

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Add the following code to your Theme Options Custom CSS or your Child Theme style.css file

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To use the shortcode paste [login-button] into a text block with the text tab

Hide Homepage Banner

Add the following code to your Theme Options Custom CSS or your Child Theme style.css file

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An advanced option is available by editing PHP code to remove the banner resulting it the banner never loads and increases load times. If you would like this option contact is below for a quote.

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